, 10:00 a.m.; Reconvene 6:00 p.m. If Required
Council Chamber, 3rd Floor City Hall, 1841 Argyle Street, Halifax

That Halifax Regional Council approve recommendations in the following items: 15.1.2.



That Halifax Regional Council:

1. Suspend the rules of procedure under Schedule 6, the Executive Standing Committee Terms of Reference, of Administrative Order One, the Procedures of the Council Administrative Order.

2. Adopt the proposed 2025 Regional Council meeting schedule as outlined in Attachment 1 of the staff report dated September 20, 2024.

That Halifax Regional Council approve the 2025/26 Business Planning and Budget Schedule as outlined in Table 1 of the staff report dated November 12, 2024.

That Halifax Regional Council:

1. Suspend the rules of procedures in Administrative Order One, the Procedures of the Council Administrative Order, for the Standing Committees to make recommendations or nominations to Regional Council respecting the appointments to various Boards, Committees and Commissions

a. by the Executive Standing Committee under section 4 of Schedule 6 – Executive Standing Committee Term of Reference, and

b. by the remaining Standing Committees, as outlined in Attachment 1 of the staff report dated November 8, 2024;

2. Appoint the Members of Council to Boards, Committees and Commissions for a term to November 2026, as outlined in Attachment 2 of the staff report dated November 8, 2024;

3. Appoint the Members of Council, who are the successful candidates after receiving the most votes after a vote by secret ballot, to the various Boards, Committees and Commissions as outlined in Attachment 3 of the staff report dated November 8, 2024, for the following terms:

a. a term to November 2026, except for two appointments to Halifax Water Board of Commissioners, and

b. for two Members of Council appointed to the Halifax Water Board of Commissioners, for terms to November 2027.

That Halifax Regional Council:

1. Suspend the rule of procedure in Administrative Order One, the Procedures of the  Council Administrative Order, requiring the election of a Deputy Minister in November annually;

2. Extend the term of Councillor Cathy Deagle Gammon as Deputy Mayor until the later of December10, 2024, or a new Deputy Mayor is elected by Regional Council; and

3. Defer the appointment of the Deputy Mayor to the December 10, 2024, meeting of Regional Council.

That Halifax Regional Council direct the Chief Administrative Officer to prepare a staff report on increasing HRM’s tax relief for non-profits that provide affordable housing beyond the 50% grant that HRM current provides to as much as 100%.

This item was deleted from the agenda.

This item was deleted from the agenda.



Council may rise and go into a private In Camera session, in accordance with Section 19 of the Halifax Regional Municipality Charter, for the purpose of dealing with the following:

A matter pertaining to litigation or potential litigation in regard to an identifiable person and information whose disclosure could reasonably be expected to prejudice the interests of the Municipality.

That Halifax Regional Council:

1. Adopt the recommendations as outlined in the private and confidential report dated October 29, 2024; and 

2. Direct that the private and confidential report dated October 29, 2024 be maintained private and confidential. 

A matter pertaining to any subject, the discussion of which could, violate the confidentiality of information obtained from another body of government, or a public body.
That Halifax Regional Council:

1. Adopt the recommendations as outlined in the private and confidential report dated November 13, 2024; and 

2. Direct that the private and confidential report dated November 13, 2024 be maintained private and confidential.