The following was before Halifax Regional Council:
- Staff report dated November 29, 2024
- Correspondence from David Chaisson
MOVED by Councillor Kent, seconded by Councillor Cleary
THAT Halifax Regional Council give First Reading to consider approval of the proposed amendments to the applicable secondary municipal planning strategies and land use by-laws, as set out in Attachments 2.02 to 2.18 of the staff report dated November 29, 2024, and schedule a public hearing.
Kathleen Fralic, Principal Planner responded to questions of clarification from Halifax Regional Council.
MOVED by Councillor Kent, seconded by Councillor Hartling
THAT the motion be amended to direct the Chief Administrative Officer to consider, following the approval of the Urgent Changes for Housing - Additional Sites, an amendment to the Eastern Passage / Cow Bay Municipal Planning Strategy and its Land Use By-law to enable multiple unit dwelling larger than 12 units on 1407, 1409, and 1497 Main Road, Eastern Passage (PID 00374728, 41472762, 41539628, and 41539636), and follow public participation process set out in Section 6 of the Public Participation Administrative Order.
Not present: Mayor Fillmore
The motion as amended now read:
MOVED by Councillor Kent, seconded by Councillor Cleary
THAT Halifax Regional Council:
1. Give First Reading to consider approval of the proposed amendments to the applicable secondary municipal planning strategies and land use by-laws, as set out in Attachments 2.02 to 2.18 of the staff report dated November 29, 2024, and schedule a public hearing; and
2. Direct the Chief Administrative Officer to consider, following the approval of the Urgent Changes for Housing - Additional Sites, an amendment to the Eastern Passage / Cow Bay Municipal Planning Strategy and its Land Use By-law to enable multiple unit dwelling larger than 12 units on 1407, 1409, and 1497 Main Road, Eastern Passage (PID 00374728, 41472762, 41539628, and 41539636), and follow public participation process set out in Section 6 of the Public Participation Administrative Order.
Kasia Tota, Manager, Community Planning, Josh Adams, Principal Planner, Fralic and Jacqueline Hamilton, Executive Director, Planning & Development responded to questions of clarification from Halifax Regional Council.
MOTION AS AMENDED PUT AND PASSED. (15 in favour, 1 against)
In favour: Deputy Mayor Mancini, Councillors Deagle Gammon, Hendsbee, Kent, Austin, White, Hinch, Cleary, Morse, Cuttell, Steele, Hartling, Young, Gillis, St-Amand
Against: Councillor Purdy
Not present: Mayor Fillmore