, 10:00 a.m.; Reconvene 6:00 p.m. If Required
Council Chamber, 3rd Floor City Hall, 1841 Argyle Street, Halifax
  • Deputy Mayor Tony Mancini
  • Councillor Cathy Deagle Gammon
  • Councillor David Hendsbee
  • Councillor Becky Kent
  • Councillor Trish Purdy
  • Councillor Sam Austin
  • Councillor Laura White
  • Councillor Virginia Hinch
  • Councillor Shawn Cleary
  • Councillor Kathryn Morse
  • Councillor Patty Cuttell
  • Councillor Janet Steele
  • Councillor Nancy Hartling
  • Councillor John Young
  • Councillor Billy Gillis
  • Councillor Jean St-Amand
  • Mayor Andy Fillmore
  • Cathie O’Toole, Chief Administrative Officer
  • John Traves, K.C., CD, Municipal Solicitor/Chief Governance Officer
  • Iain MacLean, Municipal Clerk
  • Dorothy Maponga, Legislative Assistant
  • Elizabeth Macdonald, Legislative Assistant

The following does not represent a verbatim record of the proceedings of this meeting. 

The agenda, reports, supporting documents information items circulated and video (if available) are online at halifax.ca

Deputy Mayor Mancini called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. and acknowledged that the meeting took place in the traditional and ancestral territory of the Mi'kmaq people, and that we are all treaty people. 

Councillors noted special community announcements and acknowledgements.

MOVED by Councillor Austin, seconded by Councillor Hendsbee

THAT the minutes of January 28, 2025 be approved as circulated. 




Deletions: None 

As provided for in section 12 (5) of Administrative Order One, Respecting the Procedures of the Council:

Councillor Purdy requested that Information Item 21.7 - Update on the Moving Forward Together Plan and Information Item 21.8 - Annual Public Safety Strategy Report 2024 be brought forward and staff presentations be provided at the next Halifax Regional Council meeting.

Councillor White requested that Information Item 21.6 - Update on the HRM response to the Halifax Independent Civilian Review into August 18, 2021, Encampment Evictions be brought forward at the next Halifax Regional Council meeting.

Councillor Morse requested that Information Item 21.11 - Housing Accelerator Fund: Annual Update and Information Item 21.12 - Implementation Plan for 10 National Disaster Mitigation Program Projects be brought forward at the next Halifax Regional Council meeting.

Cathie O'Toole, Chief Administrative Officer responded to questions of clarification from Halifax Regional Council.

As provided for in section 37 (1) of Administrative Order One, Respecting the Procedures of the Council, Iain MacLean, Municipal Clerk requested that Item 17 - In Camera (In Private) be considered at 1:00 p.m.

MOVED by Councillor Purdy, seconded by Councillor Austin

THAT the agenda be approved as amended.


As provided for in section 41 (3) of Administrative Order One, Respecting the Procedures of the Council:

•    Item 15.1.2 Community Mediation Pilot was removed from the consent agenda at the request of Councillor Cuttell

MOVED by Councillor Kent, seconded by Councillor Gillis

THAT Halifax Regional Council approve recommendations in the following items: 

•    15.1.1 – Lake District Recreation Association – Contribution Agreement; and
•    15.2.1 – HRTG-2024-00773: Request to include 8 Sullivan’s Hill, Bedford in the Registry of Heritage Properties for the Halifax Regional Municipality.


Not present: Mayor Fillmore, Councillor Cleary

Later in the meeting, in the In Camera (In Private) session Councillor Deagle Gammon declared a conflict of interest for Item 17.7 CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS.

Correspondence was received and circulated for items: 15.1.4 and 15.3.1. 

For a detailed list of correspondence received refer to the specific agenda item. 



13.2.1 Councillor Steele
Councillor Steele submitted a petition from Julie Balderas with approximately 410 signatures requesting that a fitness centre be added to the Lakeside Community Centre.

13.2.2 Councillor White
Councillor White submitted a petition from the Heritage Trust of Nova Scotia regarding the planned demolition of 1717 Brunswick Street, Halifax with approximately 2818 signatures requesting that the Halifax Regional Municipality and the Province of Nova Scotia to take immediate action to stop the demolition of 1717 Brunswick Street.

The following was before Halifax Regional Council:

  • Staff report dated December 30, 2024

Scott Ingram, Community Facility Partnership Coordinator and Brendan Smithson, Director, Regional Recreation Services responded to questions of clarification from Halifax Regional Council. 



The following was before Halifax Regional Council:

  • Staff report dated January 24, 2025

The following motion was approved as part of the Consent Agenda:

MOVED by Councillor Kent, seconded by Councillor Gillis

THAT Halifax Regional Council Authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to:

1. Negotiate a contribution agreement with the Lake District Recreation Association for $100,000 per year for 5 years, with terms and conditions similar to those set forth in the staff report dated January 24, 2025, consistent with the Municipality’s standard contribution agreement; and

2. Execute the above mentioned agreement following approval of the funding in the Park & Recreation 2025/26 budget.


Not present: Mayor Fillmore, Councillor Cleary

The following was before Halifax Regional Council:

  • Staff report dated January 17, 2025

MOVED by Councillor Cuttell, seconded by Councillor Hinch

THAT Halifax Regional Council:

1. Direct funding in the amount of $100,000 for the creation and implementation of a Community Mediation pilot program, as identified in the financial implications section of the staff report dated January 17, 2025, to be added as an option over budget on the budget adjustment list (BAL) for Budget Committee to consider in the 2025/26 Operating Budget.

2. Subject to the approval of the 2025/2026 Operating Budget, direct the Chief Administrative Officer to provide a contribution of $100,000 to the United Way of Halifax to create and implement a Community Mediation pilot program for the fiscal year 2025/2026; and 

3. Direct the Chief Administrative Officer, or their designate, to negotiate and execute a Contribution Agreement with the United Way of Halifax which is to include the key terms and conditions identified in Attachment 1 of the staff report dated January 17, 2025.

Bill Moore, Commissioner of Public Safety, Conor O'Dea, Senior Policy Advisor, Scott Sheffield, Social Policy Strategist, Cathie O'Toole, Chief Administrative Officer and John Traves, K.C., CD, Municipal Solicitor/Chief Governance Officer responded to questions of clarification from Halifax Regional Council.

MOTION PUT AND PASSED. (14 in favour, 2 against)

In favour: Deputy Mayor Mancini, Councillors Austin, Cleary, Deagle Gammon, Hartling, Hendsbee, Hinch, Kent, Morse, Purdy, St-Amand, Steele, White, Young

Against: Councillors Cuttell, Gillis

Not present: Mayor Fillmore

The following was before Halifax Regional Council:

  • Staff report dated January 9, 2025

MOVED by Councillor Deagle Gammon, seconded by Councillor Purdy

THAT Halifax Regional Council: 

1. Repeal the Accessibility Strategy and adopt the revised 2025-2028 Accessibility Strategy as set out in Attachment 1 of the staff report dated January 9, 2025, subject to budgetary availability and approval;

2. Direct the Chief Administrative Officer to include the recommendations contained in the Accessibility Strategy in the proposed 25/26 budget and as part of the budget and business planning process in each year required as per the strategy; and

3. Direct the Chief Administrative Officer to provide annual progress reports on the implementation of the Accessibility Strategy to Halifax Regional Council.

Melissa Myers, Accessibility Advisor and Cathie O'Toole, Chief Administrative Officer responded to questions of clarification from Halifax Regional Council. 


Not present: Mayor Fillmore

The following was before Halifax Regional Council:

  • Staff report dated November 29, 2024
  • Correspondence from David Chaisson 

MOVED by Councillor Kent, seconded by Councillor Cleary

THAT Halifax Regional Council give First Reading to consider approval of the proposed amendments to the applicable secondary municipal planning strategies and land use by-laws, as set out in Attachments 2.02 to 2.18 of the staff report dated November 29, 2024, and schedule a public hearing.

Kathleen Fralic, Principal Planner responded to questions of clarification from Halifax Regional Council.

MOVED by Councillor Kent, seconded by Councillor Hartling

THAT the motion be amended to direct the Chief Administrative Officer to consider, following the approval of the Urgent Changes for Housing - Additional Sites, an amendment to the Eastern Passage / Cow Bay Municipal Planning Strategy and its Land Use By-law to enable multiple unit dwelling larger than 12 units on 1407, 1409, and 1497 Main Road, Eastern Passage (PID 00374728, 41472762, 41539628, and 41539636), and follow public participation process set out in Section 6 of the Public Participation Administrative Order.


Not present: Mayor Fillmore

The motion as amended now read: 

MOVED by Councillor Kent, seconded by Councillor Cleary

THAT Halifax Regional Council: 

1. Give First Reading to consider approval of the proposed amendments to the applicable secondary municipal planning strategies and land use by-laws, as set out in Attachments 2.02 to 2.18 of the staff report dated November 29, 2024, and schedule a public hearing; and 

2. Direct the Chief Administrative Officer to consider, following the approval of the Urgent Changes for Housing - Additional Sites, an amendment to the Eastern Passage / Cow Bay Municipal Planning Strategy and its Land Use By-law to enable multiple unit dwelling larger than 12 units on 1407, 1409, and 1497 Main Road, Eastern Passage (PID 00374728, 41472762, 41539628, and 41539636), and follow public participation process set out in Section 6 of the Public Participation Administrative Order. 

Kasia Tota, Manager, Community Planning, Josh Adams, Principal Planner, Fralic and Jacqueline Hamilton, Executive Director, Planning & Development responded to questions of clarification from Halifax Regional Council. 

MOTION AS AMENDED PUT AND PASSED. (15 in favour, 1 against) 

In favour: Deputy Mayor Mancini, Councillors Deagle Gammon, Hendsbee, Kent, Austin, White, Hinch, Cleary, Morse, Cuttell, Steele, Hartling, Young, Gillis, St-Amand

Against: Councillor Purdy

Not present: Mayor Fillmore

The following was before Halifax Regional Council:

  • Staff report dated October 28, 2024

MOVED by Councillor Austin, seconded by Councillor Steele

THAT Halifax Regional Council adopt the amendments to Administrative Order 10, the Respecting Partial Tax Exemption Administrative Order, as set out in Attachment 3 of the staff report dated October 28, 2024.

Vicki Robertson, Director of Revenue and Treasurer responded to questions of clarification from Halifax Regional Council. 

MOVED by Councillor Cleary, seconded by Councillor Hinch

THAT Halifax Regional Council defer item 15.1.5 Proposed Amendments to Administrative Order 10, Respecting Partial Tax Exemption for Residential Taxation for a supplemental report with information on the number of current properties in each municipal district, as well as an analysis and recommendation for setting the threshold at $500,000 of capped assessment.

Cathie O'Toole, Chief Administrative Officer, Jerry Blackwood, Executive Director of Finance and Asset Management/Chief Financial Officer and Robertson responded to questions of clarification from Halifax Regional Council. 

MOTION TO DEFER PUT AND PASSED. (13 in favour, 3 against) 

In favour: Deputy Mayor Mancini, Councillors Deagle Gammon, Hendsbee, Kent, Purdy, Austin, Hinch, Cleary, Morse, Cuttell, Young, Gillis, St-Amand

Against: Councillors White, Steele, Hartling

Not present: Mayor Fillmore

The following was before Halifax Regional Council:

  • Heritage Advisory Committee report dated January 22, 2025 with attached staff report dated December 16, 2024

The following motion was approved as part of the Consent Agenda:

MOVED by Councillor Kent, seconded by Councillor Gillis

THAT Halifax Regional Council set a date for a heritage hearing to consider the inclusion of 8 Sullivan’s Hill, Bedford, in the Registry of Heritage Property for the Halifax Regional Municipality, as shown on Map 1 of the staff report dated December 16, 2024, as a municipal heritage property under the Heritage Property Act.


Not present: Mayor Fillmore, Councillor Cleary

The following was before Halifax Regional Council:

  • Request for Consideration form from Councillor White
  • Correspondence from Mary Ann Archibald 

MOVED by Councillor White, seconded by Councillor Steele

THAT Halifax Regional Council direct the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) to write a staff report to determine the feasibility of removing X as a social media platform used by the Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM) to distribute information to residents. The staff report should provide a timeline of when HRM will be off the social media platform X and provide alternate options to distribute information to residents including looking at other social media platforms that we currently do not use.

John Traves, K.C., CD, Municipal Solicitor/Chief Governance Officer and Cathie O'Toole, Chief Administrative Officer responded to questions of clarification from Halifax Regional Council.

MOTION PUT AND PASSED. (13 in favour, 3 against) 

In favour: Deputy Mayor Mancini, Councillors Deagle Gammon, Kent, Austin, White, Hinch, Cleary, Morse, Cuttell, Steele, Hartling, Gillis, St-Amand

Against: Councillors Hendsbee, Purdy, Young

Not present: Mayor Fillmore

The following was before Halifax Regional Council:

  • Request for Consideration form from Councillor Hinch

MOVED by Councillor Hinch, seconded by Councillor Kent

THAT Halifax Regional Council direct the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) to provide a staff report that evaluates the financial and operational feasibility of expanding the hours for the free transit for seniors’ program currently offered by Halifax Transit on Tuesdays to start earlier in the morning and end later in the day.


Not present: Mayor Fillmore



MOVED by Councillor Purdy, seconded by Councillor Kent

THAT Halifax Regional Council direct the Chief Administrative Officer to direct staff, as part of the current review of the Integrated Mobility Plan, to undertake a strategic review of how the inverted pyramid of travel modes (Complete Streets Hierarchy, IMP Page 56) is presented and used to guide the updated plan such that it more appropriately addresses true integration of all travel modes and how different areas (urban, suburban and rural) will require different approaches in applying the plan based on the differing geographic and demographic contexts.

MOTION PUT AND PASSED. (14 in favour, 2 against) 

In favour: Deputy Mayor Mancini, Councillors Deagle Gammon, Hendsbee, Kent, Purdy, Austin, Hinch, Cleary, Cuttell, Steele, Hartling, Young, Gillis, St-Amand

Against: Councillors White, Morse

Not present: Mayor Fillmore

This matter was dealt with in public.

MOVED by Councillor Hendsbee, seconded by Councillor Kent

THAT the In Camera (In Private) minutes of January 14, 2025 be approved as circulated.


This matter was dealt with in public.

The following was before Halifax Regional Council:

  • Private and confidential staff report dated February 4, 2025

MOVED by Councillor Deagle Gammon, seconded by Councillor Kent

THAT Halifax Regional Council:

1. Adopt the recommendations as outlined in the private and confidential report dated February 4, 2025; and

2. Direct that the private and confidential report dated February 4, 2025, be maintained private and confidential. 


Not present: Mayor Fillmore

This matter was dealt with in public.

The following was before Halifax Regional Council:

  • Private and confidential staff report dated February 4, 2025

MOVED by Councillor Purdy, seconded by Councillor Deagle Gammon

THAT Halifax Regional Council:

1. Adopt the recommendations as outlined in the private and confidential report dated February 4, 2025; and

2. Direct that the private and confidential report dated February 4, 2025, be maintained private and confidential. 


Not present: Mayor Fillmore

MOVED by Councillor Purdy, seconded by Councillor Gillis

THAT Halifax Regional Council convene to In Camera (In Private) to discuss Item 17.4 LABOUR RELATIONS, 17.5 INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS, 17.6 PROPERTY MATTER and 17.7 CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS.

This matter was dealt with In Camera (In Private) and ratified in public as follows: 

The following was before Halifax Regional Council:

  • Private and confidential staff report dated January 31, 2025
  • Private and confidential staff presentation dated February 11, 2025

MOVED by Councillor Kent, seconded by Councillor Deagle Gammon

THAT Halifax Regional Council:

1. Adopt the recommendations as outlined in the private and confidential report dated January 31, 2025; and

2. Direct that the private and confidential report dated January 31, 2025, be maintained private and confidential. 


Not present: Mayor Fillmore, Councillor Purdy

This matter was dealt with In Camera (In Private) and ratified in public as follows:

The following was before Halifax Regional Council:

  • Private and confidential staff report dated December 16, 2024

MOVED by Councillor Kent, seconded by Councillor Hendsbee

THAT Halifax Regional Council:

1. Adopt the recommendations as outlined in the private and confidential report dated December 16, 2024; and

2. Direct that the private and confidential report dated December 16, 2024, be maintained private and confidential. 

MOTION PUT AND PASSED. (14 in favour, 2 against) 

In favour: Deputy Mayor Mancini, Councillors Deagle Gammon, Hendsbee, Kent, Purdy, White, Hinch, Morse, Cuttell, Steele, Hartling, Young, Gillis, St-Amand

Against: Councillors Austin, Cleary 

Not present: Mayor Fillmore

This matter was dealt with In Camera (In Private) and ratified in public as follows:

The following was before Halifax Regional Council:

  • Private and confidential staff report dated January 21, 2025

MOVED by Councillor Hinch, seconded by Councillor Young

THAT Halifax Regional Council:

1. Adopt the recommendations as outlined in the private and confidential report dated January 21, 2025; and

2. Direct that the private and confidential report dated January 21, 2025, be maintained private and confidential.


Not present: Mayor Fillmore

This matter was dealt with In Camera (In Private) and ratified in public as follows:

Councillor Deagle Gammon was recused from the meeting during consideration of this item having declared a conflict of interest in the matter.

MOVED by Councillor Hinch, seconded by Councillor Cleary 

THAT Halifax Regional Council adopt the actions as directed during the In Camera meeting of February 11, 2025. 

MOTION PUT AND PASSED. (14 in favour, 1 against) 

In favour: Deputy Mayor Mancini, Councillors Hendsbee, Kent, Austin, White, Hinch, Cleary, Morse, Cuttell, Steele, Hartling, Young, Gillis, St-Amand

Against: Councillor Purdy

Not present: Mayor Fillmore, Councillor Deagle Gammon

Councillor Deagle Gammon rejoined the meeting at this time.


19.1 Councillor Cuttell 

TAKE NOTICE, that at a future meeting of Halifax Regional Council I intend to move a motion to:

1. Direct the Mayor to send a letter to the Province requesting recission of clause 4A(2)(j) of the Minimum Planning Requirements Regulations under the HRM Charter, regarding the percentage of required ground-floor commercial space in response to concerns from the Business Improvement Districts; and  

2. Direct that the Chief Administrative Officer consider, as part of the Regional Plan Review, amendments to applicable community plans and land use by-laws to require buildings in commercial zones located within rapid transit walksheds or on corridors routes in the Suburban Area, to include opportunities for ground level commercial uses to support complete and walkable communities as permitted by the HRM Charter. 

19.2 Councillor Deagle Gammon

TAKE NOTICE that, at a future meeting of Halifax Regional Council, I intend to move a motion to propose the adoption of Administrative Order 2025-001-ADM, Respecting Grants for Second Units, the purpose of which is to create the Second Unit Incentive Program (SUIP), a new HRM grant program that would provide grants for incentivizing small-scale residential construction in the form of second units.

The meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.

No Item Selected