, Immediately following Budget Committee; Reconvene 6:00 p.m
Council Chamber, 3rd Floor City Hall, 1841 Argyle Street, Halifax

That Halifax Regional Council approve recommendations in the following items: 15.1.1, 15.2.1.

That Halifax Regional Council direct the Chief Administrative Officer to proceed with the list of ongoing reports for Regional Council outlined in “Attachment 1,” as revised, of the staff report dated November 22, 2024.

That Halifax Regional Council request an information report on updating The Moving Forward Together Plan. The report should include information on a timeline for completion and any other information that can be communicated to the public about Halifax Transit’s plans for updating Halifax Regional Municipality’s Transit Strategy.

6:00 p.m

That Halifax Regional Council:

1. Approve the application by the Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth under the Heritage Property Act to demolish the registered heritage property at 1259 South Park Street, Halifax, subject to the following conditions:

a. The stone masonry wall on the northern boundary of the subject property must be retained in-situ;

b. The original 1846 stone foundations of the Cemetery Keeper’s House (1259 South Park Street) must be retained in-situ and daylighted (made visible to the public);

c. Interpretive signage explaining the heritage significance of the foundations must be installed by the applicant near the foundations;

d. Any columbaria or other structures to be erected on the property must be built within and/or around the foundations without removing or unduly obscuring the foundations; and

e. The applicant must comply with Schmidtville Heritage Conservation District By-law requirements for a Certificate of Appropriateness for any new buildings or structures, including columbaria; and,  

2. Direct the Heritage Officer to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness in accordance with the Schmidtville Heritage Conservation District Plan and By-law for the demolition of the contributing heritage resource. 



That Halifax Regional Council:

1. Approve the proposed Land Titles Clarification Area (LTCA) boundary expansion for the North Preston, East Preston, and Cherry Brook/Lake Loon area in accordance with the boundary maps attached as Attachment 2 of the staff report dated November 4, 2024.

2. Direct the Chief Administrative Officer to take all other steps necessary to expand the LTCA boundaries, in accordance with the terms and conditions contained in the staff report dated November 4, 2024.

That Halifax Regional Council repeal Administrative Order 52, the Code of Conduct for Elected Officials Administrative Order and adopt Administrative Order 2024-004-GOV, the Code of Conduct for Elected Officials Administrative Order, as set out in Attachment 1 of the staff report dated October 21, 2024.

That Halifax Regional Council adopt the proposed amendments to Administrative Order 29, Respecting Civic Addressing Policies as set out in Attachment A of the staff report dated October 31, 2024 in order to approve: 

1. The naming of 13 private roads as identified in Attachment A and Attachment D of the staff report dated October 31, 2024;

2. The naming of 4 public streets as identified in Attachment A and Attachment D of the staff report dated October 31, 2024; and

3. The renaming of 1 public street as identified in Attachment A and Attachment D of the staff report dated October 31, 2024.

4. The correction of the community designation of 1 renamed street as identified in Attachment A of the staff report dated October 31, 2024.

That Halifax Regional Council adopt the amendments to Administrative Order 18, the Revenue and Collection Policy Administrative Order, as set out in Attachment 2 of the staff report dated October 30, 2024.

That Halifax Regional Council direct the Chief Administrative Officer to provide a supplementary staff report regarding public access to the tow path which crosses the property located at 10 Kirk Road, Halifax and return to Regional Council for consideration of the report.

That Halifax Regional Council:
1. Approve the addition of thirty-one (31) properties to Administrative Order 2024-001-ADM as detailed in the Discussion section of the staff report dated November 13, 2024 at an estimated combined cost of $212,223 from Operating Account M311- 8006.
2. Approve a one-time grant by resolution of Council to AAN 00769851 Halifax Regional Municipality (City of Lakes Amateur Boxing Club) to rectify an error of omission in fiscal year 2023 in the amount of $6,726 from Operating Account M311-8006.
3. Approve an Operating Grant for up to three (3) consecutive years to transition six (6) organizations leasing commercial/private property to be removed from the program, commencing April 1, 2024, at a combined cost of $125,658 from Operating Account M311-8006, subject to yearly budget availability.
4. Adopt the amendments to Administrative Order 2024-001-ADM, the Tax Relief Administrative Order, as set out in Attachment 2 to the staff report dated November 13, 2024.

That Halifax Regional Council adopt the amendments to Administrative Order 2022-005-ADM, the Community Grants Program Administrative Order, as set out in Attachment 2 of the staff report dated October 3, 2024.



Council may rise and go into a private In Camera session, in accordance with Section 19 of the Halifax Regional Municipality Charter, for the purpose of dealing with the following:

A matter pertaining to providing instruction and direction to officers and employees of the Municipality pertaining to the acquisition / sale of land. 
That Halifax Regional Council:

1. Adopt the recommendations as outlined in the private and confidential report dated November 26, 2024; and 

2. Release the private and confidential report dated November 26, 2024 to the public once the conditions as outlined in the report have been met.

A matter pertaining to contract negotiations and legal advice. 
That Halifax Regional Council:

1. Adopt the recommendations as outlined in the private and confidential report dated November 27, 2024; and 

2. Release the private and confidential report dated November 27, 2024 to the public once the conditions as outlined in the report have been met.

That Halifax Regional Council adopt the recommendation of the Environment and Sustainability Standing Committee to appoint Councillor Steele as the Environment and Sustainability Standing Committee representative on the Halifax Regional Water Commission Board for a term to November 2026.

That Halifax Regional Council:

1. Approve the schedule of 2025/26 Advanced Tender Requests as per Attachment 1 of the staff report dated November 15, 2024; and

2. Increase Capital Account CP240001 Lockview High School Park All Weather Field by $2,300,000 for a total 2025/26 budget of $4,200,000.