That Halifax Regional Council:
1. Approve the application by the Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth under the Heritage Property Act to demolish the registered heritage property at 1259 South Park Street, Halifax, subject to the following conditions:
a. The stone masonry wall on the northern boundary of the subject property must be retained in-situ;
b. The original 1846 stone foundations of the Cemetery Keeper’s House (1259 South Park Street) must be retained in-situ and daylighted (made visible to the public);
c. Interpretive signage explaining the heritage significance of the foundations must be installed by the applicant near the foundations;
d. Any columbaria or other structures to be erected on the property must be built within and/or around the foundations without removing or unduly obscuring the foundations; and
e. The applicant must comply with Schmidtville Heritage Conservation District By-law requirements for a Certificate of Appropriateness for any new buildings or structures, including columbaria; and,
2. Direct the Heritage Officer to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness in accordance with the Schmidtville Heritage Conservation District Plan and By-law for the demolition of the contributing heritage resource.