The following was before Halifax Regional Council:
- Staff report dated January 20, 2025
- Staff presentation dated January 28, 2025
- Correspondence from William Breckenridge, Walk ‘n Roll Halifax, Halifax Cycling Coalition, It’s More than Buses, Daphne Tallon, Michele Paris, Sharon Brown Ross
Megan Soroka, Program Manager, Transportation Design & Construction Services gave a presentation and responded to questions of clarification from Halifax Regional Council.
Anne Sherwood, Director, Transportation Design & Construction Services, Brad Anguish, Commissioner of Operations, Josh DeYoung, Senior Manager, Capital Project Delivery, Halifax Water and Adam Lanigan, Senior Transportation Engineer, Transportation Engineering responded to questions of clarification from Halifax Regional Council.
MOVED by Councillor Morse, seconded by Councillor Steele
THAT Halifax Regional Council:
1. Suspend the rules of procedure under Schedule 7, the Transportation Standing Committee Terms of Reference, of Administrative Order One, the Procedures of the Council Administrative Order; and,
2. Direct the Chief Administrative Officer to proceed with the Windsor Street Exchange project, as per the current funding agreement and Design Build contract, including future proofing new structures along the corridor where municipal lands permit, to accommodate future dedicated transit lanes and separated pedestrian and cycling facilities.
MOVED by Councillor Cuttell, seconded by Councillor Purdy
THAT the motion be amended to include Halifax Regional Council direct the Chief Administrative Officer to prepare a supplemental staff report and recommendation about accommodating future widening and Bus Rapid Transit/Active Transportation infrastructure in the Windsor Street interchange area.
MOTION TO AMEND PUT AND PASSED. (10 in favour, 4 against)
In favour: Mayor Fillmore, Deputy Mayor Mancini, Councillors Hendsbee, Purdy, Austin, Cuttell, Steele, Hartling, Young, St-Amand
Against: Councillors White, Hinch, Cleary, Morse
Not present: Councillors Deagle Gammon, Kent, Gillis
The motion as amended now read:
MOVED by Councillor Morse, seconded by Councillor Steele
THAT Halifax Regional Council:
1. Suspend the rules of procedure under Schedule 7, the Transportation Standing Committee Terms of Reference, of Administrative Order One, the Procedures of the Council Administrative Order; and,
2. Direct the Chief Administrative Officer to proceed with the Windsor Street Exchange project, as per the current funding agreement and Design Build contract, including future proofing new structures along the corridor where municipal lands permit, to accommodate future dedicated transit lanes and separated pedestrian and cycling facilities; and
3. Direct the Chief Administrative Officer to prepare a supplemental staff report and recommendation about accommodating future widening and Bus Rapid Transit/Active Transportation infrastructure in the Windsor Street interchange area.
MOTION AS AMENDED PUT AND DEFEATED. (6 in favour, 8 against)
In favour: Mayor Fillmore, Councillors Hendsbee, Purdy, Cuttell, Steele, Hartling
Against: Deputy Mayor Mancini, Councillors Austin, White, Hinch, Morse, Cleary, Young, St-Amand
Not present: Councillors Deagle Gammon, Kent, Gillis