, 10:00 a.m.; Reconvene 6:00 p.m.
Council Chamber, 3rd Floor City Hall, 1841 Argyle Street, Halifax
  • Mayor Andy Fillmore
  • Deputy Mayor Tony Mancini
  • Councillor David Hendsbee
  • Councillor Trish Purdy
  • Councillor Sam Austin
  • Councillor Laura White
  • Councillor Virginia Hinch
  • Councillor Shawn Cleary
  • Councillor Kathryn Morse
  • Councillor Patty Cuttell
  • Councillor Janet Steele
  • Councillor Nancy Hartling
  • Councillor John Young
  • Councillor Jean St-Amand
  • Councillor Cathy Deagle Gammon
  • Councillor Becky Kent
  • Councillor Billy Gillis
  • Cathie O’Toole, Chief Administrative Officer
  • Jerry Blackwood, Chief Financial Officer
  • John Traves, K.C., CD, Municipal Solicitor/Chief Governance Officer
  • Iain MacLean, Municipal Clerk
  • Olawumi Odeyinka-Apantaku, Legislative Assistant
  • Simon Ross-Siegel, Legislative Assistant

The following does not represent a verbatim record of the proceedings of this meeting. 

The agenda, reports, supporting documents information items circulated and video (if available) are online at halifax.ca

Mayor Fillmore called the meeting to order at 10:01 a.m. and acknowledged that the meeting took place in the traditional and ancestral territory of the Mi'kmaq people, and that we are all treaty people.

Mayor Fillmore spoke to the loss of Petty Officer 2nd Class Gregory Applin, Royal Canadian Navy in Halifax Harbour on Friday, January 24, 2025 and acknowledged the efforts of first responders. Councillor Hendsbee spoke to the passing of former Councillor Krista Snow, HRM District 2 Waverley - Fall River - Beaver Bank (2003-2008). Councillor Austin spoke to the passing of community member Ron Dunphy of Dartmouth on January 24, 2025. A moment of silence was held.

Councillors noted special community announcements and acknowledgements.

MOVED by Councillor Cuttell, seconded by Councillor Hinch

THAT the minutes of January 14, 2025 be approved as circulated. 



•    Item 18.1 - Proposed Amendments to Administrative Order 17, Respecting Remuneration for Members of Council

•    Item 17.3 – Intergovernmental Relations

As provided for in section 12 (5) of Administrative Order One, Respecting the Procedures of the Council, Councillor Austin requested that Information Item 21.5 Memorandum from the Chief Administrative Officer dated December 30, 2024 re: HRM One Membership for Parks and Recreation Facilities be brought forward at the next Regional Council Meeting. 

MOVED by Councillor Steele, seconded by Councillor Cuttell

THAT the agenda be approved as amended.

MOVED by Councillor Hendsbee, seconded by Councillor Hartling

THAT Halifax Regional Council approve recommendations in the following item:

•   15.2.1 Halifax Transit Ferry Craig Blake – Urgent Repair VOITH Propulsion Unit.


Not present: Councillors Deagle Gammon, Kent, Cleary, Gillis

The following was before Halifax Regional Council:

  • Heritage Advisory Committee report dated February 27, 2024 with attached staff report dated January 23, 2024
  • Staff presentation dated January 28, 2025

Carter Beaupre-McPhee, Planner III gave a presentation and responded to questions of clarification from Halifax Regional Council.

The hearing opened at 6:05 p.m.

Mayor Fillmore noted that the applicant was not present.

Mayor Fillmore reviewed the rules of procedure for public hearings. Mayor Fillmore noted there were no registered speakers and called three times for any other members of the public wishing to speak; there were none. 

MOVED by Councillor Cleary, seconded by Councillor Purdy

THAT the hearing be closed. 


The hearing closed at 6:06 p.m.

MOVED by Councillor Purdy, seconded by Councillor Cleary

THAT Halifax Regional Council deregister the property at 12 York Redoubt Crescent, Ferguson’s Cove, known as PID 41518333 and designated as Lot 1SM1-1 on Attachment A of the staff report dated January 23, 2024, as amended to be cumbered upon the property owner providing an archeological assessment.

MOVED by Councillor Purdy, seconded by Councillor Cleary

THAT the motion be amended to remove "as amended to be cumbered upon the property owner providing an archeological assessment."


Not present: Councillors Deagle Gammon, Kent, Gillis

The motion as amended now read:

MOVED by Councillor Purdy, seconded by Councillor Cleary

THAT Halifax Regional Council deregister the property at 12 York Redoubt Crescent, Ferguson’s Cove, known as PID 41518333 and designated as Lot 1SM1-1 on Attachment A of the staff report dated January 23, 2024.


Not present: Councillors Deagle Gammon, Kent, Gillis

Correspondence was received and circulated for items: 14.1, and 15.1.1. 

For a detailed list of correspondence received refer to the specific agenda item. 




The following was before Halifax Regional Council:

  • Staff report dated December 31, 2024
  • Staff presentation dated January 28, 2025
  • Correspondence from Matt Stickland

Cathie O’Toole, Chief Administrative Officer spoke to the Strategic Performance Report and highlighted its impacts and plan.

Michael Pappas, Director, Corporate Planning & Performance Office and Jacqueline Pepper, Manager, Corporate Performance gave a presentation and responded to questions of clarification from Halifax Regional Council. 

O’Toole, Jerry Blackwood, Executive Director of Finance and Asset Management/Chief Financial Officer and Jacqueline Hamilton, Executive Director, Planning and Development responded to questions of clarification from Halifax Regional Council.



The following was before Halifax Regional Council:

  • Staff report dated January 20, 2025
  • Staff presentation dated January 28, 2025
  • Correspondence from William Breckenridge, Walk ‘n Roll Halifax, Halifax Cycling Coalition, It’s More than Buses, Daphne Tallon, Michele Paris, Sharon Brown Ross

Megan Soroka, Program Manager, Transportation Design & Construction Services gave a presentation and responded to questions of clarification from Halifax Regional Council. 

Anne Sherwood, Director, Transportation Design & Construction Services, Brad Anguish, Commissioner of Operations, Josh DeYoung, Senior Manager, Capital Project Delivery, Halifax Water and Adam Lanigan, Senior Transportation Engineer, Transportation Engineering responded to questions of clarification from Halifax Regional Council. 

MOVED by Councillor Morse, seconded by Councillor Steele

THAT Halifax Regional Council:

1. Suspend the rules of procedure under Schedule 7, the Transportation Standing Committee Terms of Reference, of Administrative Order One, the Procedures of the Council Administrative Order; and,

2. Direct the Chief Administrative Officer to proceed with the Windsor Street Exchange project, as per the current funding agreement and Design Build contract, including future proofing new structures along the corridor where municipal lands permit, to accommodate future dedicated transit lanes and separated pedestrian and cycling facilities.

MOVED by Councillor Cuttell, seconded by Councillor Purdy

THAT the motion be amended to include Halifax Regional Council direct the Chief Administrative Officer to prepare a supplemental staff report and recommendation about accommodating future widening and Bus Rapid Transit/Active Transportation infrastructure in the Windsor Street interchange area.

MOTION TO AMEND PUT AND PASSED. (10 in favour, 4 against) 

In favour: Mayor Fillmore, Deputy Mayor Mancini, Councillors Hendsbee, Purdy, Austin, Cuttell, Steele, Hartling, Young, St-Amand

Against: Councillors White, Hinch, Cleary, Morse

Not present: Councillors Deagle Gammon, Kent, Gillis

The motion as amended now read:

MOVED by Councillor Morse, seconded by Councillor Steele

THAT Halifax Regional Council:

1. Suspend the rules of procedure under Schedule 7, the Transportation Standing Committee Terms of Reference, of Administrative Order One, the Procedures of the Council Administrative Order; and,

2. Direct the Chief Administrative Officer to proceed with the Windsor Street Exchange project, as per the current funding agreement and Design Build contract, including future proofing new structures along the corridor where municipal lands permit, to accommodate future dedicated transit lanes and separated pedestrian and cycling facilities; and

3. Direct the Chief Administrative Officer to prepare a supplemental staff report and recommendation about accommodating future widening and Bus Rapid Transit/Active Transportation infrastructure in the Windsor Street interchange area.

MOTION AS AMENDED PUT AND DEFEATED. (6 in favour, 8 against) 

In favour: Mayor Fillmore, Councillors Hendsbee, Purdy, Cuttell, Steele, Hartling

Against: Deputy Mayor Mancini, Councillors Austin, White, Hinch, Morse, Cleary, Young, St-Amand

Not present: Councillors Deagle Gammon, Kent, Gillis

The following was before Halifax Regional Council:

  • Staff report dated January 15, 2025 

The following motion was approved as part of the Consent Agenda:

MOVED by Councillor Hendsbee, seconded by Councillor Hartling

THAT Halifax Regional Council:

1. Approve of the transfer of funds from Options Reserve Q421 to facilitate the urgent repair work to the Craig Blake VOITH Propulsion unit;

2. Bring forward funding originally set forth in the 2025/26 budget for regular maintenance for the Craig Blake so that this regular maintenance work takes place at the same time as the urgent repair work, to avoid having a disruption to service later in this fiscal year; and

3. Approve of funds of no more than $2 million from Q421-Options reserve (as set forth in the Financial Implications section of the staff report dated December 17, 2024) to provide the funding for the work set forth in Recommendations 1 and 2.


Not present: Councillors Deagle Gammon, Kent, Cleary, Gillis

The following was before Halifax Regional Council:

  • Staff report dated January 22, 2025

MOVED by Councillor St- Amand, seconded by Councillor Cleary

THAT Halifax Regional Council approve thirteen (13) awards as detailed in Attachment 2 of the staff report dated January 22, 2025 for a combined total of $104,000 from Operating Account MABR001 Anti-Black Racism Grants.


Not present: Councillors Deagle Gammon, Kent, Cuttell, Gillis

The following was before Halifax Regional Council:

  • Request for Consideration form from Councillor Deagle Gammon

MOVED by Deputy Mayor Mancini, seconded by Councillor Steele

THAT Halifax Regional Council:

1. Suspend the rules of procedures under Schedule 6 of Administrative Order One, Executive Standing Committee Terms of Reference, requiring the Executive Standing Committee to review nominations and make recommendations to Regional Council; 

2. Endorse Councillor Deagle Gammon to stand for election to the Federation of Canadian Municipality’s Board of Directors for a term to June 2025; and 

3. Assumes all costs associated with attending FCM’s Board of Directors meetings.


Not present: Councillors Deagle Gammon, Kent, Cuttell, Gillis



MOVED by Councillor Purdy, seconded by Deputy Mayor Mancini

THAT Halifax Regional Council convene to In Camera (In Private) to discuss Items 17.1 LEGAL ADVICE, 17.2 CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS, and 17.3 INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS.


The following was before Halifax Regional Council:

  • Private and confidential staff report dated September 12, 2024

This matter was dealt with In Camera (In Private).

This matter was dealt with In Camera (In Private) and ratified in public as follows: 

The following was before Halifax Regional Council:

  • Private and confidential staff report dated January 13, 2025

MOVED by Councillor White, seconded by Deputy Mayor Mancini

THAT Halifax Regional Council:

1. Adopt the recommendations as outlined in the private and confidential report dated January 13, 2025; and

2. Direct that the private and confidential report dated January 13, 2025 be maintained private and confidential. 


Not present: Councillors Deagle Gammon, Kent, Gillis

This matter was dealt with In Camera (In Private).

The following was before Halifax Regional Council:

  • Staff report dated January 24, 2025

Jerry Blackwood, Acting Chief Administrative Officer and Britt Wilson, Executive Director of Human Resources responded to questions of clarification from Halifax Regional Council.

MOVED by Deputy Mayor Mancini, seconded by Councillor Hartling

THAT Halifax Regional Council provide notice of motion to adopt the amendments to Administrative Order 17, the Council Member Remuneration Administrative Order, as set out in Attachment 2 of the staff report dated January 24, 2025.


Not present: Councillors Deagle Gammon, Kent, Gillis

19.1 Councillor Hendsbee

TAKE NOTICE that at a future meeting of Halifax Regional Council, I intend to introduce a motion of rescission for 15.1.1 Windsor Street Exchange Redevelopment Project: Functional Design.

19.2 Deputy Mayor Mancini

TAKE NOTICE that at a future meeting of Halifax Regional Council, I intend to introduce a motion to propose amendments to Administrative Order 10, Respecting Partial Tax Exemption Administrative Order, the purpose of which is to change the eligibility criteria for partial tax exemptions, to enhance the effectiveness and targeting of the Municipality’s property tax exemption program for low-income homeowners.

19.3 Councillor Purdy

TAKE NOTICE that at the next regular meeting of Halifax Regional Council to be held on Tuesday, the 11th day of February 2025, I intend to introduce a motion that the Chief Administrative Officer direct staff, as part of the current review of the Integrated Mobility Plan, to undertake a strategic review of how the inverted pyramid of travel modes (Complete Streets Hierarchy, IMP Page 56) is presented and used to guide the updated plan such that it more appropriately addresses true integration of ALL travel modes and how different areas (urban, suburban and rural) will require different approaches in applying the plan based on the differing geographic and demographic contexts.

The meeting adjourned at 6:13 p.m.