, 10:00 a.m.; Reconvene 6:00 p.m.
Council Chamber, 3rd Floor City Hall, 1841 Argyle Street, Halifax

REVISED - January 27, 2025 - 4:30 p.m.

That Halifax Regional Council approve recommendations in the following items: 15.2.1.

6:00 p.m.

That Halifax Regional Council deregister the property at 12 York Redoubt Crescent, Ferguson’s Cove, known as PID 41518333 and designated as Lot 1SM1-1 on Attachment A of the staff report dated January 23, 2024, as amended to be cumbered upon the property owner providing an archeological assessment.



That Halifax Regional Council:

1. Suspend the rules of procedure under Schedule 7, the Transportation Standing Committee Terms of Reference, of Administrative Order One, the Procedures of the Council Administrative Order; and,

2. Direct the Chief Administrative Officer to proceed with the Windsor Street Exchange project, as per the current funding agreement and Design Build contract, including future proofing new structures along the corridor where municipal lands permit, to accommodate future dedicated transit lanes and separated pedestrian and cycling facilities.

That Halifax Regional Council:

1. Approve of the transfer of funds from Options Reserve Q421 to facilitate the urgent repair work to the Craig Blake VOITH Propulsion unit;

2. Bring forward funding originally set forth in the 2025/26 budget for regular maintenance for the Craig Blake so that this regular maintenance work takes place at the same time as the urgent repair work, to avoid having a disruption to service later in this fiscal year; and

3. Approve of funds of no more than $2 million from Q421-Options reserve (as set forth in the Financial Implications section of the staff report dated December 17, 2024) to provide the funding for the work set forth in Recommendations 1 and 2.

That Halifax Regional Council approve thirteen (13) awards as detailed in Attachment 2 of the staff report dated January 22, 2025 for a combined total of $104,000 from Operating Account MABR001 Anti-Black Racism Grants.

That Halifax Regional Council:

1. Suspend the rules of procedures under Schedule 6 of Administrative Order One, Executive Standing Committee Terms of Reference, requiring the Executive Standing Committee to review nominations and make recommendations to Regional Council; 

2. Endorse Councillor Deagle Gammon to stand for election to the Federation of Canadian Municipality’s Board of Directors for a term to June 2025; and 

3. Assumes all costs associated with attending FCM’s Board of Directors meetings.



Council may rise and go into a private In Camera session, in accordance with Section 19 of the Halifax Regional Municipality Charter, for the purpose of dealing with the following:

A matter pertaining to legal advice eligible for solicitor-client privilege.

That Halifax Regional Council:

1. Adopt the recommendations as outlined in the private and confidential report dated September 12, 2024; and

2. Direct that the private and confidential report dated September 12, 2024 be maintained private and confidential. 

A matter pertaining to contract negotiations and legal advice.

That Halifax Regional Council:

1. Adopt the recommendations as outlined in the private and confidential report dated January 13, 2025; and 

2. Direct that the private and confidential report dated January 13, 2025 be maintained private and confidential. 

A matter pertaining to any subject, the discussion of which could, violate the confidentiality of information obtained from another body of government, or a public body.

That Halifax Regional Council convene to in camera (in private) to discuss the matter. 

That Halifax Regional Council provide notice of motion to adopt the amendments to Administrative Order 17, the Council Member Remuneration Administrative Order, as set out in Attachment 2 of the staff report dated January 24, 2025.