The following was before Halifax Regional Council:
- Staff report dated October 23, 2024
MOVED by Councillor Steele, seconded by Deputy Mayor Deagle Gammon
THAT Halifax Regional Council:
1. Suspend the rules of procedures under Schedule 6 of Administrative Order One, Executive Standing Committee Terms of Reference, requiring the Executive Standing Committee to review the nominations outlined in the report dated October 23, 2024 and make a recommendation to Regional Council;
2. Nominate one (1) Councillor, who is the successful candidate receiving the most votes, after a vote by secret ballot, as the Halifax Regional Municipality Representative to sit on the Nova Scotia Federation of Municipalities Board for a two-year term; and
3. Appoint three (3) Councillors, who are the successful candidates receiving the most votes after a vote by secret ballot, to the Board of Police Commissioners for terms to November 30, 2026.
Iain MacLean, Municipal Clerk responded to questions of clarification from Halifax Regional Council.
Mayor Fillmore called for nominations for a Council member to sit on the Nova Scotia Federation of Municipalities Board.
MOVED by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Purdy
THAT Councillor Young be nominated to sit on the Nova Scotia Federation of Municipalities Board.
As provided for in section 90 of Administrative Order One, Respecting the Procedures of the Council, the motion was separated for voting purposes.
MOVED by Councillor Steele, seconded by Deputy Mayor Deagle Gammon
THAT Halifax Regional Council:
2. Nominate Councillor Young, who is the successful candidate as the Halifax Regional Municipality Representative to sit on the Nova Scotia Federation of Municipalities Board for a two-year term.
Mayor Fillmore called for nominations for Council members to sit on the Board of Police Commissioners.
MOVED by Councillor Kent seconded by Councillor Cleary
THAT Councillor Mancini be nominated to sit on the Board of Police Commissioners.
Cathie O'Toole, Chief Administrative Officer responded to questions of clarification from Halifax Regional Council.
MOVED by Councillor Mancini, seconded by Councillor Hendsbee
THAT Councillor Kent be nominated to sit on the Board of Police Commissioners.
MOVED by Councillor St-Amand, seconded by Councillor Mancini
THAT Councillor St-Amand be nominated to sit on the Board of Police Commissioners.
MOVED by Councillor Austin, seconded by Councillor Hartling
THAT Councillor Purdy be nominated to sit on the Board of Police Commissioners.
MOVED by Councillor White, seconded by Councillor Kent
THAT Councillor Hinch be nominated to sit on the Board of Police Commissioners.
MOVED by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Steele
THAT Councillor Gillis be nominated to sit on the Board of Police Commissioners.
MOVED by Councillor Hendsbee, seconded by Councillor Kent
THAT Deputy Mayor Deagle Gammon be nominated to sit on the Board of Police Commissioners.
John Traves, K.C., CD, Municipal Solicitor/Chief Governance and MacLean responded to questions of clarification from Halifax Regional Council.
A vote was taken by secret ballot to elect three members. Councillors Kent, Mancini and Hinch were declared the successful nominees.
MOVED by Councillor Steele, seconded by Deputy Mayor Deagle Gammon
THAT Halifax Regional Council:
1. Suspend the rules of procedures under Schedule 6 of Administrative Order One, Executive Standing Committee Terms of Reference, requiring the Executive Standing Committee to review the nominations outlined in the report dated October 23, 2024 and make a recommendation to Regional Council; and
3. Appoint Councillors Kent, Mancini and Hinch who are the successful candidates to the Board of Police Commissioners for terms to November 30, 2026.